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Agent SDK

A software development kit that (i) provides the core logic of an identity agent and (ii) enables a local app to become interoperable with the Mee Data Network. The agent SDK manages personal data that may be (i) created from the user’s data entry into their identity-agent (ii) created by an app (or co-created by an app during interactions with the user) or (iii) received over the Mee Data Network from another identity agent.

Agent Service

A multi-user, web service that enables a web app to become interoperable with the Mee Data Network. The agent service manages personal data that may be (i) created by the user entering data into their identity-agent (ii) created by an app (or co-created by the app during interactions with the user) or (iii) received over the Mee Data Network from another identity-agent.


A service provider application or an another user’s identity-agent that communicates with this user’s identity-agent.


An assertion made about a subject in a context. Claims have types (e.g. given-name) and values (e.g. “Fred”).


A data sharing relationship between the user (represented by their identity agent) and some other entity (represented by their app).

The user’s identity-agent manages a list of connections each one of which represents a data sharing communications channel with a different app. Data may flow through this channel periodically or continuously. It may flow from an app to the identity agent, in the reverse direction, or in both directions. It flows using one or more data sharing protocols.

Each connection is associated with exactly one context.


A software plug-in to an identity agent that that implements a communications protocol used by a connection. A connector may receive data from an app, may store received data in a context, may read data from a context, and may transmit data to an app.


Each context is associated with exactly one connection for which it acts as a data container. A context contains entities that represent the user subject and may, in social contexts, contain other subjects.

If the self represents a holistic representation of the user, a context represents the single context-dependent subset of that self that involved in a connection with another entity (or more precisely the app representing that entity).

Local Context

A context whose associated subjects have an identifier, and a set of claims whose values are stored permanently.

Virtual Context

A context whose associated subjects have an identifier, and a set of claims without values. Claim values, when needed, may be fetched from the app.

Identity Agent

An identity-agent is a software program that represents the user on the internet. It manages personal data about the user in their interactions with apps. Depending on the whether the agent is a virtual agent or a local agent, this information may be stored within an app, and/or on-device, and/or by a third-party storage provider service.

An identity agent:

Local App

An app that runs on the user’s local devices (e.g. smartphone, tablet, or laptop)

Local Agent

An identity agent that runs on the user’s local device(s) (e.g. smartphone, tablet, or laptop) either as a standalone application, a browser extension, or a combination of both.

The state of a local agent may be replicated (i.e. copied and synchronized) across multiple local agent replicas. For example, a user could have an iOS local agent whose personal datastore state is replicated bidirectionally with their MacOS local agent. This gives the user the convenience of being able to use any of their local agents in the confidence that each has the same state (e.g. the same set of connections, etc.).

Mee Browser Extension (MBX)

MBX is a browser extention that either (i) contains an embeded local agent deployed as a browser extension or (ii) communicates with a local agent on the same device. The browser extension may also include functions implementing the Global Privacy Control (, third-party cookie deletion, and implementing connections to websites using web scraping/filling.

Mee Data Network (MDN)

A network of Mee-authorized apps, identity agents, and Mee Browser eXtensions that exchange personal data under the user’s control. The MDN has exactly one Mee Directory Service.


MDN License

To operate on the Mee Data Network service providers must be authorized by the Mee Foundation and agree to the terms of the MDN License agreement. This agreement licenses the user’s personal data to the service provider and states what they can and cannot do with it. For example, it requires the service provider’s apps to get opt-in consent from the user before sharing/selling their data to other entities. It also requires that the service provider’s apps implement MDN protocols so they can interoperate with the user’s identity agent(s).


Mee-authorized is an adjective applied to an app wherein the user’s personal data involved in a data sharing connection with this app is subject to the terms of the MDN License. To be Mee-authorized an app may also have to adhere to a set of specific UI guidelines.


Mee-compatible is an adjective applied to an apps and identity agents (which may or may not be on the MDN.

Mee Directory Service

A central directory service that maps identity agent user ids to the user’s identity agent.

Personal Data

Information that identifies, relates to, or could reasonably be linked with the user or the user’s household. This data include names, addresses, contact information, payment information, lists of friends, preferences, interests, medical records, etc.


A communications protocol used between an identity agent and an app.

Relying Party (RP)

A subject with which the user interacts using an identity agent. An relying party may be another user (of an identity agent) or a service provider.


For example, in a connection between the user’s identity agent and an app, the relying party is the service provider that offers the service provider application. If the app is another user’s identity agent, the relying party is this other user.


A singleton data container holding a single person entity that represents the holistic, selfness of the user.


A resource that is hosted on servers that an individual user manages for themself.


The sameness of a person or a thing at all times or in all circumstances. The condition of being a single individual. The fact that a person or thing is itself and not something else. Individuality, personality.

Service Provider Application

A website, web service, mobile, tablet, laptop or desktop provided by a service provider.


A thing about which claims may be made.



A subject that represents an incorporated legal entity.


A subject that represents a natural person.

Service Provider

A corporation that provides an app for its users.


The user of an identity agent or app.

Virtual Agent

A web-based identity agent. The Mee Foundation hosts a virtual agent at

Web App

A web-based app.


A distinct impression of a single person or thing presented to or perceived by others. A set of characteristics or a description that distinguishes one person or thing from other people or things.